– 80 g Borlotti beans
– 60 g black beans
– 300 g millet
– 120 g small onions sliced
– 60 g small carrots diced
– 120 g summer zucchinis chopped lengthwise
– 1 small yellow sweet pepper diced
– 14 cherry tomatoes
– 7 or 8 small tomatoes halved
– 40 g coriander – leaves whole and stalks finely chopped
– 1 tbsp. corn-starch
– 6 g bay leaves
– 4 tsps. smoked paprika
– 2 tsps. red or cayenne pepper (optional)
– 6 tbsps. EVO
– 4 tsps. coarse sea salt
– ginger to taste grated
Soak the Borlotti and black beans overnight in 2 separated bowls of cold water, then drain, rinse and set aside keeping the 2 varieties separated. Then, wash the millet grains thoroughly and cook them in a pot with cold water for ab. 35 minutes. Once cooked, drain and place them in a bowl. Meanwhile, heat 1 tablespoon of EVO in a casserole and sauté 60 g of onion, the carrots and coriander stalks until the onion becomes translucent. Then, add the Borlotti beans to the sauté. Cover with cold water, add a little salt and let cook for ab. 40 minutes. Meanwhile, in a separate pan, heat 5 tablespoons of EVO, add the remaining onion along with ginger, 1 teaspoon of paprika and stir well over low-medium heat. At this point, add in the bell pepper and cook for ab. 10 minutes. Meanwhile, also incorporate the black beans to the Borlotti, adding a little more water, if needed. Stir well and, after a couple of minutes, add the cherry tomatoes in along with the remaining paprika, cayenne pepper and bay leaves. Cover and cook for 30 minutes more. In the meantime, add the zucchinis to the pan with the sautéed bell pepper and cook for 10 more minutes. Finally, dissolve corn-starch in ½ cup of cold water and add it to the beans for more density and creaminess. Then, add the sauteéd vegetables too. Cover and cook for further 10-20 minutes. Dress with a final drizzle of EVO and fresh coriander leaves on top. Serve with millet on the side.